Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just when you think...

I had been proud of myself lately because I thought I had a solid plan that was going to move myself forward.  One little trip to a place I thought I didn't like too much and I have bounced back into a phase of changing my mind again. 

I recently visited my best friend in Montana...where I had planned on moving a few months back...and the same freeing feelings came flowing back.  The possibilities of restaurants and bakeries made my heart soar...plus it is a bigger town, but not giant, so my safety level wouldn't be shattered...and I would be around my friend, which I miss very much.

I am off to discover what sort of job I can muster up searching the land of falls...figuring out how to keep his pastry spark alive, and how I will manage to get breves at Bev's without breaking my bank ♥

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